About Us

Who We Are
Est. 2017 in Miami Fl, Barbu Beard Co. was conceived from the traditional American "Can Do" spirit of self-reliance, hard work and making a dream into a reality. Our belief is simple, be honest in what you do, treat others as you'd like to be treated and all good things will come your way, with a little luck of course. This is the philosophy we've adopted in the products we create.


The Goal

  • Our Mission- We are not simply interested in selling a product. Our goal is to create handcrafted beard products derived from all natural & organic ingredients that will stand the test of time. No trends or the latest fads will interfere in our mission. So whether you're a businessman in a suit or a tattooed street artist, our products cross social boundaries to include everyman with a beard.
  • Ingredients- We strive to provide you with the most safe and natural ingredients on the market . Over 70% of our products are organic including 100% pure essential oils. (with the majority being labeled organic by the USDA).
  • Doing it Ourselves- From our designs & labels, product themed photography, silk-screening and bottling we try to keep as much as possible in-house. Additionally, we design and fabricate our original pocket Walnut combs complete with a leather sleeve. Both made in the USA. 
  • Made to Order- All our beard oils are handcrafted and mostly made to order. We only keep a low quantity in stock in order to ensure you get the freshest beard oil possible and in a timely manner.
  • Customer Service- If something is broke, we will do our best to fix it! We are quick, friendly and competent. So always feel free to let us know how we can make things better.


 Made in America

All of our beard oils and balms are handcrafted in Miami, FL U.S.A.

All apparel silkscreening/embroidery and logo engraving is also outsourced to local US based companies.  We source our all natural and organic ingredients from local or American companies.  So we're serious about keeping things close.